OK i was driving and i noticed the gas pedal wouldn't really work and people were telling me to move so right away i moved to the side of the road and got my car towed home. a couple details are that there was smoke coming out of the hood, don't know what part of the engine though.there was not much water in the water pump. my dad thinks that the problem was it was leaking the water.the car turns on ac works it just shakes when it turn on the motor no condition to drive it obviously but it does take a little time to start the engine. i want to know if anyone knows what may be the problem and about how much it may cost.ohh btw this car model is a 1999 Chrysler Sebring Convertible 2 door.thank you!
sounds like the car broke down so we are past the waterpump itself if you drove it until it stopped running. Unless a mechanic filled it up with water just to see how it runs after it cooled off its not possible to tell anything yet. It needs to get checked out at the shop. Once you find out what kind of damage is done we can telll more. I suspect you may have to check your important fluids a lot more often if you want to keep your car in good condition. If you ran it out of water and drove it until it damaged the engine it could be expensive to repair lets hope its not too bad ok? good luck
As soon as you look at the weep-hole on the bottom of the water-pump casting you will know if it has been leaking. Meanwhile keep the radiator filled to the top when the engine is stone cold and fill the plastic coolant recovery bottle 3/4 full. ** When you replace the radiator pressure cap turn it clockwise on click instead of two. This will lower the peressure in the cooling system so it won't leak as fast.
1] ..i noticed the gas pedal wouldn't really work.. - This sounds to me you gave it gas, but the car was seizing up by excessive heat, because of no cooling!!. You might have fuck2ed up the engine, or the heads. DO NOT CRANK THE ENGINE, DO NOT MOVE it until you are sure there IS COOLANT, there is good oil and nothing is or looks bad. 2] ..there was not much water in the water pump. - It looks to me you would not notice the difference between a Water Pump and a piano, if you saw one. You cannot SEE the water inside the Water Pump. You probably meant RADIATOR. Fill it up with COOLANT, not just water. Coolant elevates the Temp and allows for a better engine performance. 3] Inspect for broken HOSES. There are two one at the bottom of the radiator, and one at the top of it. Inspect that there is coolant in the RESSERVOIRE bottle too. 4] When you are sure there is COOLANT, OIL and there are no broken HOSES,crank the engine and find out if THERE IS A LEAK. You will probably find one. 5] Check that the engine's BELTS are all intact and working. You could have a broken belt and - in that case - there would not be alternator, water pump, etc... If you don't find any, it means you drove WITHOUT COOLANT, and it that regard, you are irresponsible and should not be driving a car, but riding a donkey. Seriously. If you damaged the engine, it could cost you about $2000.00 to replace the heads, that if it is still possible to repair them and keep the car running. Otherwise, bye bye... Luck.
fill radiator and then start the car. Look for any leaking. Check radiator and all hoses as well as the waterpump. also look at both heads. Still if not then do the following. Watch the radiator cap. If the steam is coming out of the cap then replace it $6. If it still goes out cap then replace the thermostat. If there is no water signs then the head gasket needs replaced
did u get a mechanic to do it? or do it your self? in case you had a mechanic do it, ask them to repair it in case you had no problems earlier. must be thermostat, must be you dont have adequate coolant in radiator or perhaps suitable coolant to water ratio. All i understand is you need to bleed out the radiator to eliminate all air after water pump is taken off and placed lower back on, because would reason problems aswell. ok nicely you only as much as date it, so i'm too, your mechanic sounds like a dumb ****, he ought to have bled air out of radiator, the actuality he instructed you is weird and wonderful, ought to have fixed it then and there. that is a vital step of adjusting water pump. If there is air in it, your radiator and water pump wont be rotating the water wonderful. tell him to repair it and say you probably did your analyze and you're actually not paying yet another cent!