every time i leave the housemy cat pees the rug even when we are sleeping. we have tried every thing with the viniger and that stufff that cleens the rug and takes away the odor. the rug is by the window cill and there are some stray cats running around outside. every time she does is we flick her nose and put her in our bathroom. plz help i`m tired of scrubbbing my carpet.
This may seem unorthodox, but try placing some of the cat's favorite food near its bathroom. A cat's personality will prevent it from urinating or defecating near the food.
Flicking your cat and putting her in the bathroom wont help. Cats arn't able to connect being put in the bathroom with punishment for peeing. Instead schedule her/him for a vet appointment. If your cat can't control its bladder, there might be some other health problem causing that. Or, if your cat isnt fixed or neutered...that could be causing some frustrations instigated by the outside cats resulting in spraying. In the mean time, invest in a carpet shampooing vaccume. Instead of just steaming, they steam and shampoo and they even sell special pet oder/stain removing detergent to use in them. Then, get some baby gates from a friend (people love getting rid of them) and close off a few spaces for kitty until you figure out the problem. Good luck!
Last year my beautiful Manx cat Theodore went out for the evening and never came back. I love cats and the house didn't feel the same without one, so I picked up Lola from a rescue centre. She was very frightened and would pee all over the house. I found Cat Spraying No More??? on the internet and the techniques worked almost immediately. I haven't had a problem with Lola since. Amazing! Can't stop your cat peeing in the house? Then worry no more...
I know this may sound gross, but buy some Summers Eve Douche, the Vinigar and Baking Soda, and is your cat Spayed? If not, this may be the problem, if she can hear tomcats outside, this may be her way of saying I wanna night out with the boys! The Summers Eve will totally get rid of the odor, and the baking soda in the douche will absorb any surrounding odors! And......you could buy a second litter box, and place it under the window sill! And if you buy a sprayer, and some rubbing alochol, it will keep your cat away from that area! Don't let her eat it though, it will make her sick! But I would take her and get her spayed if she isn't already! Perhaps she has an UTI..... We need a few more facts.....did you have a second cat who recently found a new home, or passed on? She may be depressed....were you previously home more often, and are now going out more? Maybe she has seperation anxiety.....without knowing the whole story, it's hard to say!