My daughter is 3 years old, she still pees her bed at night, and we stop drinks an hour before bed or give her a SMALL sip before bed. Also take her potty before bed, sometimes she doesn't have to go and then she pees during the night.Is this normal?
Why don't you wake her up to pee before you go to bed and then set the alarm right around the time she normally pees the bed after a few weeks of this she is trained to wake up keep night lights on in her room hall and bath room light on so she won't be scared
My little girl is almost 6 now and she still has accidents at nightime. I asked the pediatrician what he thought it might be and he said that her bladder may be a little small OR the trigger in her brain that tells us adults not to pee in the bed has not developed quite as well in her yet. You still may want to have her checked out just to be sure that our suggestions are correct and you have the proper information.
It could be she's just not ready yet. I always give my 3 yr old daughter a drink before bed and send her to the potty and she doesn't pee in the bed, so I don't think I would worry about that. However, when my four yr old had just turned 3, he would pee in bed no matter how much he peed before he went to bed. It's just the difference in children, so don't worry if you're trying to compare her to other children her age. Just put her in pull up when she goes to bed, and when she's been consistantly not wetting herself for about a week, take them away and see how it goes. Before long this nightmare of changing sheets and cleaning the bed will be far behind you...I promise.
my son peed the bed unti he was 4 1/2 we just used pull ups at bedtime. Their little bladder is still growing and just may not be able to hold a night's worth of pee. Even with a before bed potty trip. Give her time, it was hard for me since my daughter was only 2 when she quit peeing the bed. I got frustrated with my son alot, until I learned that the bladder grows at different rates with different children. be patient with her.
Well, wetting the bed is pretty common. I would have a doctor be your first step. Although bedwetting is often without an obvious medical case, sometimes it can be easily cured, or it's a sign of something worse (e.g. diabetes). Getting her a clean bill of health is important. Besides that, if the things you've tried such as cutting drinks don't work, the only thing you can really do is wait it out. You need to give her emotional support, and not punish her for this, because it's not her fault. You should suggest Pull-Ups to her, or a product made for older kids such as Goodnites or Underjams.This means you won't have to change the sheets in the middle of the night, and she can handle the whole thing by herself. However, only do this if she is willing.