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My job is trying to fire me..can they do this!!!?

i work at a hospital and i work every other weekend. so on my weekend to work(this weekend) there is a really bad snow storm and i couldnt make it to work because public transportation was cancled due to the weather. i tried to make it but it was impossible without public transportation. and walking 25 miles in the snow isnt the easiest thing to do when your 7months pregnant.Now the hospital is trying to fire all employees who didnt show up on the weekend due to the weather. They said it was mandatory to attend work and that we put the patients in danger by not showing up. its not like they didnt have any employees, the employees who worked on friday had to spend the night because they had no way to get home and it was a state of emergency. the state called an emergency about the weather. the last time i stayed overnight they made us sleep on the cold floor with a sheet(not even a blanket). thats not comfortable when your pregnant. can they do this??????.its just not fairsorry its so long!


at Broadway98, i have seen her in numerous productions in which she played dorothy in the wizard of oz, young cosette in les mis, annie in annie, need i go on? before you go and think you know all about a person, get your facts straight. and i also know that she takes acting, singing, dancing lessons as well as violin and piano (and also a bit of drums and acoustoc guitar) because i asked her when i saw her in into the woods playing the bakers wife (also the lead)
No. But be careful with Potassium hydroxide; Very dangerous for the eyes. Wash your hands carefully!
YOU can't legally shut it off. Against fire code and maybe even the law. Sorry. If kids pulled it and the fire department isn't showing up, well there is a big problem. Call the fire marshal.

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