She is a shepmix, 14 years oldShe has to be confined to the tiled kitchenEverywhere she lays, she peesShe drips while she walksShe pees a lake during the nightI can't take much more of thisAll I do is clean pee, wash pee blankets and wipe her pee buttIs there anything I can do to make my life easier besides putting her asleep? She is still happy and active.
Your first step is a medical check up to rule out a medical cause such as kidney failure or a urinary tract infectionYou may also want to note if your dog is drinking much larger amounts and the approximate number of cups per dayExcessive drinking leads to excessive urinationDiabetes, kidney failure and Cushings Disease would be concerns hereYou can get incontinence medication from the vetI've dealt with recurrent UTIs, bladder surgery/cancer and kidney failure with one of my beloved dogs, so I can understand your frustrationsHere are some tips that may help you have less cleaning and more good time with your dogSimple Solution or Nature's Miracle are wonderful products to remove urine odorsBuy this by the gallon and use in the wash, on the floor, etcYou can get dog diapers, but I'm not sure given your dog's larger size how effective these will beYou can find waterproof baby changing pads and unfitted waterproof infant mattress covers that can helpI took the waterproof changing pads and placed one inside the zipper cover of my dog's bedThen placed another waterproof pad over the bed and covered it with an old towel or blanketIf my dog urinated in her sleep, I could wash the towel and waterproof pad and her bed was dryOn rare occasions the cover did get wet, the inside of the bed stayed dry due to the backup waterproof padMicro fiber washcloths are very soft and absorbent when you need to wash your dog's rear to remove odors from her fur Good luck to your old girl and to youCaring for an elderly dog is stressful for the caregiver as well.
I agree with most of Caspian88's answer, but have to point out a few things I feel he missed or failed to appreciate about the compromised Enigma codes- The war certainly would have been longerThe Allies made clever use of the information from decoded German messages, although they had to be careful lest the Germans realize their codes were being readThe campaign in Africa is a good exampleUsing information from Enigma, the Allies were able to choke off almost all of the supplies being shipped by sea to the AfrikakorpsHad Erwin Rommel received the fuel, spare parts and armor that wound up at the bottom of the Mediterranean, there is a very good chance the siege of Tobruk would have turned out differently, or at least lasted much longer and cost the British much more- Enigma intercepts allowed the U.Sand Great Britain to route convoys away from patrolling German U-boats, which certainly prevented the loss of thousands of tons of war materiel, ships and menImproved Allied aircraft, radar and escort vessels played a huge role, that's true, but the fact is that knowing where NOT to sail allowed supplies to flow to the European theater, where no one can argue that it didn't hasten the defeat of GermanyThere are many other examplesI think the Allies would have won the war anyway - caspian88 is correct that Germany simply lacked the resources, particularly in fuel, men and industrial capacity to compete with the combined strength of the U.S., Soviet Union and British Empire - but the cracking of the Enigma code absolutely gave the Allies advantages that hastened the end of the war If you want a complete and very readable account of the cracking of the Enigma code and its importance in WWII, I suggest reading Battle of Wits: The Complete Story of Codebreaking in World War II by Stephen Budiansky.
Germany even without the decryption Ultra-Enigma would still lose the war against the superpower USA Germany, was studying the construction of the atomic bomb, when it was invaded, it was a lot back from the American nuclear knowledgeRussia spies copied thanks to the projects of the U.Satomic bomb to 'HydrogenThe U.S., they would have defeated Japan even without using the atomic bomb, but it would take more than two years and have had hundreds of thousands of deaths in more The entry of Russia into the war against Japan on the last day of World War II was no effect on the outcome of the conflict.
Germany had stopped working on the A-bomb because Hitler didn't think it would work and he wanted to focus their attention on jet aircraftThe Enigma codes were important but the reality is that it was manufacturing that won the war, by the end of it the U.Swas outproducing all other nations Allied and Axis combinedGermany simply would never have been able to keep up and would have lost the war eventually.
If the enigma machine was never cracked and the Germans never invaded Russia, than yes they would have wonRussia although at the cost of losing the most lives in the war overwhelmed the GermansThe Germans would kill 10,000 of them and another 10,000 would charge over the hillThe Russians had an almost endless supply of soldiersAlthough the Red Army was by far the least trained out of all the militaries they had the largest military and history has shown that a large force beats training and equipmentHitler invaded Russia, because Hitler saw Russia as a threat to him achieving his goals of conquering EuropeRussia was communist, Germany was fascist two completely different systems, while both are dictatorships, both have different policies as well as different ways to divide rights to its citizens.