I haven‘t used the internet since may using that pc, so we can rule out viruses and malware. I was just playing plants vs. zombies, then this malevolent blue screen popped up. I only remember seeing the words ‘dumping physical memory‘ or something like that. Then it restarted by itself, but the screen went blank eventually. I tried to turn the pc on again, but either the cpu won‘t boot and the screen remains blank, or it replays the same blank screen scenario, but this time it‘s accompanied by a beeping sound.So what do you think could be the problem? I suspect that the RAM needs some ‘eraser cleaning‘, but i could be wrong. My pc is an hp pavilion a6540d home pc, and it‘s running on windows vista. By the way, tips on how to dismantle and clean the RAM is welcome, since this is the 1st time that i‘m gonna do it. I usually have a cousin who does this, but he lives far away from me now, so i have no choice but to do it myself.
The eraser contains sulphur which destroys metals, no matter how well gold plated is your memory. The best thing to clean memories is to use some kind of oils for electronics. Mineral oil is wonderful too and you have to do it with a cloth, of cotton, not polyester because it could create electrostatic (at least if you do it before applying the oil). Sometimes the blue screen indicates a problem with the RAM but overall, indicates an electrical problem, varying from a defective HDD (hard disk drive) or SDD (solid disk drive), a cable connected to them getting loose, a defective PCI card (of sound, modem, video), or anything connected lately to the computer. From a machine completely assembled in fabric i doubt the memory is damaged, they tend to be stronger, unless you had your machine exposed to humidity and extreme heat or fresh wind from outside. I suspect if you installed that game from the internet or from a disk and instantly the problems came up, that you should get a clean copy of them and uninstall them using secure boot, if you can do it ask someone to do it for you. If you need more help continue posting questions about how to do it. I can help you.
well for a start, you dont dismantle the RAM if you do it will never work again. in fact you dismantle NOTHING inside of a PC to clean it, apart from maybe the CPU fan, if it's honestly that complex. i have been circulating for years fixing computers for friends and family and not once have i heard the term eraser cleaning, so i'm not sure what you are talking about or what your cousin has been saying but trust me, i've never heard of it and neither have my geeky mates on forums, so either it doesn't exist or you are getting it confused with something else. BUT you have given some useful information, how many times does the PC beep? or does it just keep beeping REALLY fast until you switch it off? EDIT: 1 short beep and 1 long beep is a defective memory module, get it replaced by a professional and dont whatever you do DONT dismantle or erasor clean it ??
Sounds like your computer had had it, probably from too much dismantling and cleaning of the RAM. I hope you weren't paying your cousin to do it. But seriously, disconnect the power cable. Open the case. Use a small brush, or a vacuum brush attachment, and give the inside of the computer a good cleaning. If you can see the fan that cools your CPU chip, give it a good dusting too. You must be VERY gentle while doing all this, by the way. Now, dust around the RAM modules, then pull them from their slots, one at a time, and put it back in. This is so you don't get confused as to which module was in which slot, as for some computers it actually matters. There are videos on how to do it on Youtube, just search for how to replace RAM. Make sure that when you put the memory modules back you press them down firmly, until the retaining clips are all the way down or click. Do not put your whole weight on it lest you crack your motherboard. If you have a video card, make sure it is firmly inserted into its slot, doesn't hurt to give a good push. Close the case, reconnect power cable, cross your fingers. If failure, call cousin or take to repair shop.