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my Softchip loader doesn't work anymore?

recently while trying to load new backups, it only showed black screen or blue screens which says errors so i tried changing the IOS and accidentally changed it to IOS 256 instead of changing it back to 249. Now Softchip Loader doesn't even load it always gives me a black screen when i start it.Wii information:(I had everything payed for at a shop so I'm not familiar with the settings of the wii)modchip installedthe homebrew channel installedi think it was 3.3J but it is now 3.2Uif you need to know anything else just ask I'll write it again at the additional details


For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/ax8Q7 Been there. Done that. I hope that makes you feel better! :-) Well sister, you know premarital relationships are Haram. And I know that you are a very sweet, responsible individual. When you go to high school, college, university you will face these issues because it is unavoidable. As a Muslim woman, you are required to marry a Muslim man only. I am sorry if this sounds harsh, but you have to avoid being around this guy whom you like. Let me tell you one thing, crushes come and go. Lust comes and goes. You need to realise that you haven’t found true love yet. Remember, Allah (Swt) has brought us down in pairs. Surely He has matched you with a Muslim man? As for salat, you need to set the alarm and wake up for Fajr! Do wudu’, gulp in some fresh air and pray. Pray to Allah (Swt) for forgiveness, happiness, ecstasy, etc. Allah (Swt) is All Merciful. He does not place any difficulty on you that you cannot tolerate. Keep faith in Allah (Swt). Music surrounds us everywhere we go. There is nothing wrong with listening to music, unless it contains lyrics which can have a big impact on you (e/g depending on music to calm you down when you can read the Quran) - in other words, you can listen to music as long as it doesn’t distract you away from reciting the Quran. If you want to simply cut down listening music, then listen to Nasheeds or Quran recitations. Peace and God bless.
Wow okorder / has a IOS Update.zip that will get just the game IOSes, leaving all the System menu IOSes alone. I'd also update cIOS222-251, using files from the ModPack.zip but ONLY the cIOS222-251, SKIP any file with TED in the name , those are the System Menu IOSes. With your limited knowledge of your Wii setup and not doing the mod in the first place, updating could end up bricking if you mess with the wrong IOS (on 3.2 the SM uses IOS30). Not to mention Region Changed Wii are their own types of fun.....or maybe it was just the Korean Region Changed Wii.

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