I‘ve been driving the car until recently I found out that I have no transmission. the car is running fine though. it‘s gets up to speed and it doesn‘t jerk. can i please have some advice?
thank you for the educational approximately RainX. I have been given my automobiles' oil substitute some month in the past. They verify for each little thing, alongside with windsheild wipers.My automobile is a 2009,and that i could desire to ensure the wipers greater many times because of the fact the warmth of the summer down the place I stay , makes the wiper blades destroy quicker.
i know the sound, terrible unless its raining hard,, use a product like rain-x,, follow the directions,, u may not even use the wipers again when it rains but when u do there will be a clear film on the windshield that will keep the blades from squeeking on the windshield,, itll reduce the friction.Art
the transmission connects the engine to the axle and makes the car go.If its a front wheel drive then it will have a trans-axle.If it drives fine,don't worry. Things are working as they were designed to.
Your saying that you have no transmission but you state that your car drives fine?. I don't get it your question does not make any sense at all.
First off you have no transmission do you push it down the road? you have to have a transmission to drive a car otherwise you will be pushing it everywhere? if your car has no transmission your engine will run just fine i can take your engine out of your car and bolt it to a stand and start it up watch it run all day, so either you have a transmission manual that has a bad clutch or a automatic that has bad clutch plates or torque converter or no fluid or bad valve body its impossible to have a car that drives with no transmission unless of coarse it called Christine and is the devil driving ? you don't say what kind of car your speaking of and manual trans or auto trans if you have no transmission it is impossible that the car drives and shifts gears ? if you have no transmission put one in keep in mind depending on the car it could be several thousand dollars to buy a transmission ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO DRIVE A CAR WITH NO TRANSMISSION unless your talking about a car that has pedals in which you would buy your 5 yr old a pedal car then it doesn't have a engine either its not at all surprising no one answered your question because everyone is laughing at the adult trying to drive his kids little pedal car hope this helps Lr