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My world mobile version, which are what kind of stones were used

My world mobile version, which are what kind of stones were used


1 box, not stone to do, wood to do the survival mode to store items. 2 furnaces made of round stones, survival mode fired items. 3 Workbench, Survival Mode Click to create more items. 4 redstone ore, survival mode with a manuscript digging off red stone, can be synthesized in the workbench and other materials into other items. (Such as: compass) 5 stone cutting machine, can cut some of the stones into a staircase, half brick, and so on.
The left side of the box can put things in the backpack to save the left side of the second is the furnace can burn iron ore pork and so on the third of the third is the workbench can do pick picks need to be left on the fourth is red Stone mine need to do the last one is to cut the cake to do half of the brick and then remind you to create what they can not
1 "box", click to open can be installed. 2 "Furnace" click appears panel, the lower is put the fuel, put the above items. 3 "workbench" click appears panel, through the material synthesis, 4 "red stone mine" picks get red stone, transmission signal. 5 "....." processing round stone, stone, quartz block and so on to make round stone brick brick and so on. Seeking adoption
The first is the box, you can put things. The second is the furnace, you can burn ore (iron, gold) and food (potatoes, etc.) to coal (stone black). The third is the workbench, which can make building materials, tools, fighting items and some dyes. The fourth is red stone, dug with a pick or diamond pick, can do clock and compass. The fifth is a stone cutting machine, you can do stone

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