Function: can be made into a torch, bow and arrow, brand, ladder, fence weapons production materials
General fuel charcoal, coal, with barrels of magma Can also be when the fuel, but will consume barrels of material: Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone ---- Stone ===== Furnace X1 Stone Stone Stone ------------------- ---------------- [Storage Box] Function: Used to store items, two boxes and discharge Will increase the storage space to become large box material: wood wood wood wood ---- wood ===== storage box X1 timber wood timber ------------------ ----------------- [mineral block] role: saving storage space, can also be used for construction
My world synthesis table Daquan [wood] role: for the building, you can make a variety of items Material: logs ---------------- logs ---- ===== Wood X4 ---------------------------------------------- [Wood Sticks, sticks] material: wood ---------------- wood ---- ===== sticks X4 ---- wood --------- ------------------------------ [Torch] Role: for lighting, can melt snow and ice Material: stick + coal Or charcoal ---------------- charcoal ---- ===== torch X4 ---- sticks ------------------------- [Workbench] role: to create a 3X3 of synthetic space, most of the items need to use the table synthetic materials: Timber ------------ Timber Timber ---- ===== Workbench X1 Wood Timber --------------------- ------------------ [Furnace] Function: For smelting can also be used to barbecue can consume some wood products as fuel