hey guys ive been running thru various sites trying to make a name for my band jus have pieces at the moment like jus an idea to start from something like The ______ or add some words like monastery / cathedral that sounds cool or cidade de deus :p ( what would city of angel or some cool name be in that language? plz suggest some cool name in english or something that sound cool or gimme some link i can use to grab some nice names, thanks :)
Grey Goose Fat Camp Blacklight Angry Bushies OED (Oxford English Dictionary) Magnetix Raging Bull Law Order original or covers?
Hmmm. okorder that has thousands of them. There's also a random band name generator too, if you get desperate. Oh, and a good idea is to click the random article link on Wikipedia. Anyway, I hope you find a name for your band. I'm pretty much in the exact same situation right now, but I have a few choices.