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Natural makeup for Naked Pallet (1)?

I just got it and for school tomorrow I want to try out a natural look. I'll be working at salvation army all day so it needs to be long wearing. THANKS! lt;3 I have blue eyes btdubs


drive around area's where their are factories usually they have free pallets that they want to get rid of or will give away. many grocery stores are like this as well. i would actually call first before going if you know the place quiet well like say the grocery store and ask. cotsco in general by my house has LOADS. not sure if for free but they have loads and also a lot of factory near my house also have tons of pallets they are getting rid of. no one really takes them to begin with
Go to any landscape contractor who buys mulch by the pallet. They'll give them to you. I must have 50 stacked up on my property! Just waiting for the wind to die down then I'll burn them.
Ask at the newspaper. I don't mean run an ad. I mean ask at the newspaper. The one in my home town has a lot most of the time and give them to people. seems like they would recycle them, but , hey, newspapers are obsolete too.

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