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need help w/ Physics problem - calculating work w/ mass and displacement?

A crane lifts a 300 kg steel beam off the groundIt raises the beam to a height of 60 meters.- Calculate the work done by the crane on the beam.- If it takes the crane 120 seconds to complete this process, what is the power expended by the crane?What I need to figure out is how I can calculate work with only a mass and a displacementAm I supposed to somehow find the acceleration so that I can multiply it by mass to get force (since Work ForceDisplacement)? If so, how?


I just pan roast mine in a skilletDepending what I'm using them for I might add some additional flavorings.
I just pan roast mine in a skilletDepending what I'm using them for I might add some additional flavorings.
I just want to re-answer this question: x displacement (meters) w work (J) f force (N) m mass (kg) g gravity (N kg-1) w force x displacement first of all we need force because we don't have it so Fnet mass x gravity 300 x 9.8 2940 N now we can work out the w force x displacement equation w 2940 N x 60 meters 176400 J or 1.764 x 10^5 N

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