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need help with cement floor repair.?

over the years the cement floor has settled and broken at the opening of the overhead door. can someone tell me the right way to do the repairs, or send me to a site that i could get some directions. one of my main concerns is the side jams of the doorway. can you fill the level of cement above the boards? Thanks for your help.


go to home depot or lowes or any hardwood store and get hydraulic cement-follow the directions on the back.
Best to have the concrete removed and replaces, but this we be costly. answerman3 answer is the cheaper way to go, but you should saw or grind the cracks before filling.
I would start with preventing the floor from further settelment. once your base is secure you can work on the crack that is there. Hard to advise on how to prevent without knowing more info. Depending on how large the crack is, you want to fill it and seal it. Larger cracks can be filled with a foam backer rod material (up to half inch depending on the backer rod you buy) and there are many types of crack fillers. before using a crack filler, make sure you get any loose debris out as that will hinder bonding. This type of job is all about prep work and prevention. quick solutions will only result in further cracking in the future.
Is your concern to resurface the whole area. You need a few helping hands to do the repair. First, break up the old cement floor and compact the ground with sand and the broken pieces with a compactor.This is the base for the cement floor.Allow another 3 inches height for the new concrete floor. Water the whole area to fill all gaps ,refill with sand and compact again. Mark out with string for level gradually running outward from the door entrance. Do not adjust the level above the door jamb to prevent water ingress during rain. Lay a layer of wire mesh on it.Mix cement ,sand and stones/pebbles in proportion of 1:3 :6 with water to form a slurry mix and fill up the floor.Trowel the entire areas evenly with a gradient to allow water to flow toward drain or channels. Remember not to make the floor too smooth as it may turn slippery when wet. Cure the concrete by sprinkling water on it for the next few days or just keep in cool. The job is completed. 10 points please.

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