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Need ideas on what could be causing smell from duct work?

We had a new AC put in around June and when we started up the furnace this small we're getting the smell kind of like something getting hot. We just had the furnace replaced this week (19 years old) and the smell is still there. Also, we had the ducts cleaned. We do have an unplugged booster fan in the ductwork from the previous owners. Any thoughts?


Even though you got the ducts cleaned it could be the dust etc burning off since your prior furnace wasn't as powerful or efficient by the time you got it replaced. It might be funk on the a/c coil side too- make sure that was cleaned and the drain works. nyb
whats a small ? its probably the duct fan plastic blade
The smell would not be normal. Oil from the heat exchanger (being new) would have burnt off during the first few cycles. There must be something near or on the heat exchanger. Call the company that installed it. They are responsible for the first year warranty. Should not cost you anything but you will need to have it done through them.

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