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Need to get cat to stop eating silicone.?

One of the cats that we have seems to like siliconeHe so far has eaten 3 straws on sippy cups, and 5 pacifiersMy father-in-law mentioned putting hot sauce on one of the pacifiers and give it to the catI tried that and he wouldn't touch itMy husband thought of injecting hot sauce into one so that when the cat bites into it he'll really get some hot sauce!!Do you think it is a good idea? any other ideasSince discovering what was going on we have tried to keep the paci's and cups up out of reach but he just got one of the cups yesterday and we never know when our son will drop one of the pacifiers under his crib and the cat get it before we do.Also what hot sauces are safe and work the best for deterrring catsI read that only some hot sauces are safeI was planning on using Tobasco sauce.TIA


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fabulous fable brethren , could of had more confabulations.

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