I have problem of nematatoes in our home garden, let me use neem cake to avoid this problem
In India we swear by the beneficial effects of neem cake, against a host of harmful soil borne organisms,it should work for nematodes as well.Bear in mind it should come from a reputable manufacturer ,should be in fine powder form,should be evenly distributed in the soil the application may need to be repeated a second time for total eradication of your problem.
I don't know about neem cake, but I know a little about neem. It's a natural product that I used on my roses as an bug preventor. I've never had nematodes, so I have no tried and true remedies to get rid of them. Why don't you call your County extension agent/office and ask them what is recommended for your area. You could also try a web search or look up the manufacturer's web site and see what kind of info they have for you.