
No hole on the floor?

I used to live in an South American country and I moved to Canada. I need to know why aren't there holes on the bathroom floors in Canadian bathrooms? Where is the water supposed to go if I have to clean the floor? Should I just wait for it to evaporate?Also every time a toilet clogs, it leaks downstairs (in every single building I have seen, and at least two of them are very very new). Is this normal? Will it leak also when washing the bathroom floor??


I live in the US and we don't have holes in our floors. Use a mop and soak up the water.
Homes today have no hole in the floor. With floor drains you get sewer gasses in the house that is not desired. If a toilet overflowed we soak the water up with towels and wash the towels. A mop is used to clean the floor. You can scrub the floor with a broom and cleaner if desired but all residue is mopped up and disposed of down the toilet or some other drain. This is far more sanitary than using a floor drain to clean the bathroom. Most houses today have rugs or carpet and excess water is not desired.

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