Now that Ben Rothlisberger was injured on a motorcycle, now will you ride with a helmet?
has it been lowered? then raise it back to stock height
the tingling on your ankle while you walk is normal. depending on where you get a tattoo (in this case, your inner ankle), the tattoo goes beneath the skin surface and will run into the occasional nerve ending, muscle, tendon, etc. until it heals completely, which means, when it heals beneath the surface of the skin, it will tingle. as for your main question of concern in regards to when the tattooist was or was not wearing gloves. granted he should have been wearing gloves when he opened and placed the needle into the gun. and i'm sure it was simply an oversight that he didn't wear them at that specific time. so long as he did thoroughly wash his hands, and hopefully touched nothing else prior to opening and placing the needle in. you really ought to be fine. otherwise you would have had an infection of some sort by now.