I don‘t think we should have car alarms anymore. There are so many that go off during the night that I ignore all of them, unless they go off right beside me. It‘s just really annoying, and most of the time, it‘s due to drivers accidentally setting off their car alarms. Experienced car thieves probably just ignore the alarm, knowing that everyone will ignore it.
hell no especially where im from. it also depend on the neighborhood. the loud music from other cars set off the alarms. in CMD the alarms will go off and the theif will just work faster b/c by the time the Po-Po comes it to damn late. people let their alarms run its course until it shut it self off.
whilst i became in college, the parking plenty have been packed with vehicles with alarms. The alarms went off plenty, yet no person ever paid any interest to them. each each now and then the alarms might circulate off for twenty minutes earlier somebody might respond to it. Pit Bulls and mean Curs make super vehicle protection contraptions and are plenty greater good.
the lites work off a switch connected to the brake petalsometimes it get kicked out of position or gets wet from boot/shoe drippings
I still look around when I hear it, because you never know if something really is going on. It's better to check out a false alarm than ignore a real one.