Old electric bicycle motor Holzer line broken, how to remove the motor wiring?
High voltage low voltage power supply voltage is approximately equal to approximately equal to 0, the mechanic will generally), the motor does not turn or turn the weak or abnormal sound (CACA), non professionals do not open, especially not open, because will damage the motor and water, if must be open to fling open (because there is a strong magnetic motor using inertia open at once). Repair bicycles are generally open, it is best to find them.
The motor Holzer is broken (a total of 3), rotating the motor manually, measuring the power supply, the negative pole and the 3 signal lines, respectively, to see if there is a voltage output in the end
After opening, you will see 3 Holzer on the coil, usually switch Holzer (split pole switch, such as OH44E, and bipolar latch, such as: OH41, or OH41F, which is determined by the motor phase. Depends on the original unipolar, and now for the unipolar, the original bipolar is now replaced by bipolar). The best 3 are all changed.