on the red hot chilli peppers song, the zephyr song what is a zephyr????
1The Doors 2Pink Floyd 3Queen 4Led Zeppelin 5Nazareth 6Elton John 7The Who 8The Rolling Stones 9The Cars 10JGeils Band
In no order: 1Taylor Swift 230 Seconds to Mars 3Adele 4Chris Brown 5Maroon 5 6.Train 7MCRsome of their songs 8Brittney Spearsdon't judgeI like her music :) 9the Beatles 10I don't really have a 10th lol
In no particular order: Greeley Estates Rise Against Eminem A Skylit Drive The Devil Wears Prada Silverstein Blink 182 Story of the Year The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus blessthefall
zeph·yr /?z?f?r/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[zef-er] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1a gentle, mild breeze 2(initial capital letter) Literarythe west wind 3any of various things of fine, light quality, as fabric, yarn, etc.
1Taylor Swift 2Carrie Underwood 3General Larry Platt (sings pants on the ground) 3Jordan Pruitt 4Owl City 6Kris Allen 7Kelly Clarkson 8Hilary Duff 9Lady Antebellum 10.Weird Al Yankovic