in front of that guys store how do you get rid of those teens to get the freeze stuff
Having had some different issues with the same problem, you may need to look into a fiber therapy like Citrucell or Metamucil I can't take the Metamucil as the psyllium ferments quickly and makes me very gassy, but have had great results with the Citrucell which is methylcellulose.
This is part of a long process and occurs fairly near the end (only one challenge after it)You need a classicial music CD to play in the store's sound system, and the only way to get one is the play bingo at Leisure towers (old folks home where Grandpa Heffley lives)But basically the process is: 1) Gget the address book and exit the house from Manny's room2) Chase Manny from Rowley's to the school 3) Enter the school and get the Twisted Wizard Guide 4) go right to Whirley Street and get the snow shovel 5) at Leisure Towers, climb the outside to the window at 33-C 6) wake up Grandpa, eat the salad, watch for manny, and exit in the elevator 7) go far left to shovel Gramma's driveway 8) play Twisted Wizard at Greg's house 9) return the Game CD to Rowley 10) open the laundry room and turn off Rodrick's power 11) get the leaf blower from the garage and free Fregley from the snowman 12) take the troll doll to play bingo, win the CD 13) put the CD in the store sound system, turn up the volume If you pick up the dog bowl from Rodrick's room, you can now use the No Freez at the snowplow truck, the last of the challenges, and rouse Greg from his video games again to follow Manny.