how do you distinguish between a more stable chair conformation to the less stable please help!!!
The tert-butyl team is great and could as a result want an equatorial place. Draw a chair with an equatorial tert-butyl team. Now place a 4-methyl team it is cis to the t-butyl team. you will locate that it would be axial to be cis with the t-butyl team. The axial methyl does have a million,3-flagpole interactions, yet those are decrease than if the t-butyl team became axial.
Are you talking about ... Cyclohexane ? There is the more stable Chair, and less stable, Boat configuration. You need to see a diagram; there is one on the website The 6 vertexed ring does not conform to the shape of a perfect hexagon. The conformation of a flat 2D planar hexagon has considerable angle strain because its bonds are not 109.5 degrees; the torsional strain would also be considerable due to all eclipsed bonds. Therefore, to reduce torsional strain, cyclohexane adopts a three-dimensional structure known as the chair conformation. The new conformation puts the carbons at an angle of 109.5°. Half of the hydrogens are in the plane of the ring (equatorial) while the other half are perpendicular to the plane (axial). This conformation allows for the most stable structure of cyclohexane. Another conformation of cyclohexane exists, known as boat conformation, but it interconverts to the slightly more stable chair formation.