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Pallet expander cutting mouth!?

i got a pallet expander 3 days ago and it kills i cant eat or else it gets stuck at the top and chewed up stuff like that makes me gag but my biggest problem is these little metal things on the side i think theyre for the bands but im not sure the thing is the right one rubs against the inside of my cheek and it cuts it it really hurts if you know how to stop it please tell me


yea my mom pretty much had all their stuff and i definitely stole a couple of things. i liked their lip pallets for the most part. for me, some of the colors were too bright but most of them were fairly sheer. and you can mix or layer if a color is a little off. you should go to nordstrom and try some of the colors you're skeptical about. but you should definitely get it. it's meant to let you play with colors and be more artsy and experimental.

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