Mobile phone with a direct charge can be washed, power and data lines are no problem, that is, can not charge the phone. Is the Samsung I8350 more
Is the internal circuit can not match caused by the need to use the mobile power itself with the Samsung charging line, you can charge. If you think the line is too short, you can buy a USB extension line longer. I am the Samsung, are the problem.
brand awareness, according to the use of specific areas to determine the most professional brand easy to install, although the wires are the same, but different wires are installed when there are differences environmental protection and energy saving new indicators, this indicator a lot of people do not care, but too important the service is guaranteed to the day cat as a basis for scoring Wire and cable ten brands which: the Far East cable; Panda wire; TBEA TBEA; on the cable; Jinbei electrician; Delixi Electric; Minxing cable; , Chint CHNT; flying carving; Jinlong Xiang;
Upstairs wrong it PVC pipe is called the full name of the PVC flame retardant threading pipe but the flame retardant is not the true sense of the noncombusteless just leave the fire self-extinguishing KBG flame retardant than PVC is higher but the price is also high home improvement, tooling ordinary PVC flame retardant threading pipe will be able to meet the requirements of the other PVC line pipe several types of ultra-light type light heavy medium heavy heavy-duty corresponding to the pipe, of course, there are models of medium-sized heavy-duty can withstand 750N or even higher pressure to play concrete can be dark Buried
First, the choice of home improvement of the five standards: