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Pfaff Smart 200cHow good are they?

I've just purchased the Smart 200c sewing machine model by PfaffI?m a beginner in the sewing field and I would like to hear some feedback from people that own Pfaff machines, specially that particular modelThanks guys!


No matter how fine a grit of sandpaper you use will give you a satin finish, only smootherYou will have to buff the metal with buffing compound from an auto supply to get a mirror finishThis is what they use to make a car shine after painting.
Hi there.this is Nadine, Syracuse Pfaff dealerThis machine is no longer in the current Pfaff line-up but I can help you with the machine if you would like to visit our shop on Bridge StreetIt was released as an attractively priced machine with electronic featuresI would like to know what kinds of things you plan to create and that would help me better answer your question.

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