can someone give me some tips on what types of materials I can use to make my own reflectorsJust taking pics of small things like flower close upsIn the books you always read that they say to use a reflector.I thought of a piece of cardboard with aluminum foil, one side shiny one side dullWill this work?
I froze some lasagna for my mom after her surgeryShe put it into the oven on 300 or 350 degrees in some foilShe said it turned out perfect.
I'm a pro photographer now but I was poor and making do onceAnything that reflects light can be a reflectorI used to do portraits indoors where I'd rig up a clothesline and hang a white sheet on itIt was a great reflectorThe reflector you propose will work well if it's large enough for the jobI assume for the side opposite the foil side, you mean it's white(?)It should beThe foil side should be smooth and free of major wrinkles, because they will turn out to be lines or shadows on your subject.