A bicycle is moving over a speed bump at 6.9m/s. Calculate the height reached by the bicycle once it looses contact with the speed bump. Radius of the speed bump is 1.7m and mass of the bicycle is 83 kg. For this problem consider the bicycle as a point mass. Height of the speed bump is 10.2 cm.You can consider that the bicycle is moving as a projectile once it has lost contact with the speed bump.
Well my daughter always takes off her PJ's but never her clothes out in the cold. Well maybe you can try things that are not so easy to take off. I would buy her things with a zipper or buttons in the back. I would also always have stockings on her. I did that with my daughter because she would always take her socks off. Zippers and snap ons are too easy for a baby to get them off. So I would try real buttons on the back side or zippers on the back!
You have to smash the windshield. Then the detector wont be activated.
Depends upon what type of solar panel. There are thermal solar panels which basically work by reflecting light onto a pipe which contains water (or some other fluid for heat exchange), then there are photovoltaic solar planels which work by directly converting light to electricity. The thermal solar panels might help from glass above, and sometimes they actually have a glass cover, because a thermal solar panel is basically a radiator in reverse. Instead of a hot pipe radiating energy into a room, you're taking energy radiated from the sun and directing it into the pipe. A glass cover will keep the hot pipe insulated from cold outside air. A photovoltaic solar panel, however, won't be helped since the trapped heat won't help the photovoltaic process.
The only I ever did was let my daughter pick out her own clothes and make changes of clothes accessible, she often would choose to change her clothes instead of just taking them off.
I had this same problem with my 2 and 1/2 yr old son. He loved to be naked, fortunately he went through this stage in the summertime. However, it was getting annoying collecting his clothes five times a day from the outside. One day my neighbor husband tells him to go and get his clothes on in a stern voice and my son was cured. He couldn't have cared less if I told him that but my neighbor's husband frightened him enough to keeping him from doing it anymore. Whenever my friend was outside he made a point to tell her to let Rob her husband know that he had his clothes on. ) Good Luck