I am under the impression that I should just leave the place without bothering to put back chairs.If you were eating with friends and found chairs then you'd pull them over and don't usually put them back - okay I understand this because you are in a group.The problem becomes noticible if you pull a chair over from a table for two (swapping sides to face the window because you want to eat facing the window) and you eat by yourself.Is it then normal to put back your chair on the opposite side after you ate? :
In nearly all cases one puts the chair back there it was. For one reason, someone might trip over it if it was left in an aisle. At a private home, replace the chair everytime.
I used to waitress and I always appreciated people who pushed their chairs back under the table when they left. It just makes it easier, especially if the restaurant is busy, so that other people and the waitresses to move around the room. Usually though if chairs are moved from a different side of the table people don't bother putting them back, which I can understand.
Assuming that this is in a public dining area, no matter where you took the chair from, it should be returned to its original spot. It's a question of courtesy for the wait-staff and for the next customer. I've always done that, and I push the chair back to the table just before I leave the restaurant. The aisle should be kept free of obstacles.
Returning chairs to their proper place after using them is very classy and highly recommended--even if you've been eating alone, as you mentioned (unless, of course, there's an available spot where you've now moved the chair). Great reasons why: 1) Leaving your mess for other people to pick up is rude--dishes are one thing, but rearranging the furniture is annoying for servers and cleaning staff. 2) Chairs that are in the way (not pushed under the table, in the walkway, etc.) are a hazard! Hope that clears things up...
Yes, I always push my chair back no matter where I am and who I'm with. It just seems like proper manners to me. I've done it ever since I was little.