
Plastic bumper cover?

How do you fix a crack in a plastic bumper cover?


You can take it to a body shop and they will use a plastic welder on it or you can do it this way without having a plastic welder. Remove the bumper cover and use a staple gun to close the crack from the inside then lightly grind the inside of the cover to rough it up and carefully trim the protruding staple if any . Use a product called Sem Bond that is obtainable from an auto body supply place follow directions then apply a bit of fiber glass mat to the tacky adhesive. Let dry then reinstall and enjoy the satisfaction of doing it yourself
i have a crack in mine and all i did was filled it with body putty, sanded it down, primed it off and painted it.
There is a tool that welds plastic. Most well equipped body shops have it.
you can also purchase the plastic welder and materials at any harbour freight tool store inexpensively.
go to a prts store such as NAPA or advanced auto parts and buy a repair kit for bumpers such as SEM or Fisor, take bumper off follow instructions

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