I need to know which LCD would be good for ps3must have:HDMI (no reductions needed only hdmi cable please),720p minimum resolution,22+ inches,also i need to be assured it is going to work with playstation 3 and no more than 199 bucks
dude i've got been given a samsung plasma, and that i like it on the ps3, samsung is a great style, my telephone, refrigerator, and tv are samsung and that all of them rock, and liquid crystal reveal is superb no count the size, and hdmi, will advance the reveal. 1080p isnt noticable untill you get to the extra suitable television's, yet its a competent characteristic, mines 720p and it surely seems extra suitable than any of the 1080's at sears. and blu-ray rocks with hdmi, your toataly in with that setup. happy gaming!