I'd like to get my school to create some of the boxes full of sweets, toys, blankets etc that we can send to the poorest orphanages in Africa.I just don't know how to get in touch with these orphanages? Most charities put you in touch with those that are already thriving.But still any charity names or ways of getting in touch with orphanages would be greatly appreciated :)Thanks a lot.P.SPlease don't tell me to send to children in this country, I've recieved this answer before and I do feel for these children, but they do have more than children in places such as Africa have.Thank you :)
You will probably need something like a Parshall flume with ultrasonic flowmeter which is commonly used in textile applications Another option is an around the pipe ultrasonic flowmeter.
There are several companies the manufacture what are called magnetic/non-contact flow metersThese flowmeters sense the change in flux of a magnetic field that is induced under liquid flow conditionsSignet flowmeters manufactures one as well as Sparling instrumentsThis method is not as accurate as the wier/ultrasonic height measurement method, but is much simpler and simply involves putting the meter in the pipelineGoogle mag flowmeter for more informationAll the best with your project
UnicefHowever, you may want to research the needs of these childrenIf you are starving, you don't need candyIf the temperature is over 100 degree, you don't need a blanketHope this helps.