I believe I do have Gout, I hear that cherries is good to eat and cherry juice to drink as well, but I'm not sure what type of cherry juice does it have to be natural or??.I read about Gout and it shows that it usually starts on your toes, well, mine did but I usually just get one swollen finger, Usually when you have arthritis doesn't all you fingers swell? I always just get one of my fingers, not all at onceLike right now my middle finger is wselled like a plump sausaugeI have not been diagnosed for it but I have a feeling I do have it cause of my symptomsIll go to the Dras soon as my insurance kicks in, but for now any help or advice would be GREATLY appreciated:)
Cherries If you are lucky enough to have fresh cherries, eating 6-8 cherries daily will relieve the symptoms of goutThis remedy was reported in 1950 by DrLudwig WBlau who cured his own goutFrozen and canned cherries may also be usedWhen you feel an attack coming on, eat 20-30 cherries immediatelyCherries are rich in compounds that prevent the destruction of collagen, which the body uses to form connective tissueThe connective tissue is damaged by goutCherries also have an enzyme that neutralizes uric acid and are high in anthocyanins which have high antioxidant properties as well as anti-inflammatory actionFor greatest effectiveness eat them between meals 1Beef, it’s what’s for Dinner- Not if you are suffering from gout! You should avoid eating meats because all meats contain purinesPurines lead to higher levels of uric acid (cause of gout) in the blood stream and cause gout problemsWe suggest eating no more than 6 ounces of meat, fish and poultry per day2Flush Uric Acid- Water is the main source of flushing anything! Think of your toilet in this caseA good way to flush the uric acid that causes gout is to drink enough water and eat enough water-soluble fiberIn other words, you should drink at least 12 glasses of water per day and eat 5-7 servings of fruits or vegetables3Reduce Alcohol- Kings drank an excess of alcohol and suffered from gout! Alcohol has been shown to inhibit the amount of uric acid the body can flushTherefore, drinking too much alcohol can keep uric acid in the bodyWe suggest only 1-2 drinks per night and following it with a tall glass of water4Alfalfa- This herb is a great source of minerals and nutrientsBut it also has been shown to neutralize uric acid in the bodyIts simple and can be found in health food stores.
Grains-Square 1-1 2-2 4-3 8-4 16-5 32-6 64-7 128-8 256-9 512-10 1,024-11 2,048-12 4,096-13 8,192-14 16,384-15 32,768-16 65,536-17 131,072-18 262,144-19 524,288-20 1,048,576-21 2,097,152-22 4,194,304-23 8,388,608-24 16,777,215-Total But I just did your homework, didn't I?
(a) 8,388,608 grains (b) 16,777,215 grains For each square you double the amount on the previous squareThen add the squares all up.