Poll: Have you ever worn a pair of safety goggles and laughed when you looked at yourself in a mirror?
i can't give you a dollar amount but you have issues. from what you say i would consider taking everything out from the meter to the house and doing the sewer lines too. is it a slab foundation or peer and beam? too broad to answer 3500.00 to 5 K depending on this and that. and that's just a guess. not good, that's fer sure. GL to you. jim,
false, i never had to put out a fire :)
I am a fairly good 'home-defense' plumber and have redone both the supply and drain plumbing in two bathrooms in our present house - all code-compliant and properly inspected. The supply-side, using Pex shark-fittings from a good copper riser took me about 4 hours to do to have it make sense and getting valves where they should be and with good access. The drain side, using a hubless fitting to a good main riser then transitioning to PVC took an additional 4 hours, not including access, repair and clean-up. My plumber would have charged me $1,500 for the lot + supplies (he provided the inspection and checked my work) but I still would have had to do the repairs and clean-up. Given that I paid just over $300 for the supplies (shark fittings are not cheap), and with his mark-up, I am guessing about $2,000 would have covered that work. After access (most of the real work) the actual plumbing was remarkably simple and all with plenty of good clearance. The only tricky part was using the chain-breaker to insert the new Y-fitting into the main riser. Your mileage may vary.