i have Disney movies under my bed.:)
I don't really know what a webkinz is, but by that I am assuming you are too young to know what I keep under my bed. And I have an old dvd player under there that I am too forgetful to carry downstairs.
Nothing. We removed the metal bed frame and placed the foundation and mattress on the floor so that our tiny Chihuahua could jump up on the bed.
Cables, binders, spiral notebooks, papers, boxes, Gameboy Color, and some other things.
i am probably the only kid who ever cleans under there bed everyday....under my bed is a box full of random stuff and my bed sheets...that's all... but i clean under my bed all the time for some reason....like when i was younger (about 6) i was probably the only kid who cleaned under there bed.. under my bad and my closet were the cleanest places in my room =] lol