I'm a college student so budget is going to be tight. I'll have my own room and bathroom thankfully so water changes won't be a hassle however I decided to be futuristic and want to buy a 150 gallon preformed pond albeit my turtle is only 5quot;.
Are you going to be able to keep the turtle inside the pond? With a tight budget and that size room, you might want to consider a stock tank, plastic tote, or an old bathtub. You can even get a sizable aquarium for that much money.
The pond might be OK for small turtles but not for the winter, unless you live in a very warm climate. Predators are a perpetual problem. You would certainly need a fence to keep them out and the turtle in. It would certainly help to have a large filter and either a waterfall or fountain to oxygenate the water. Six ducks foul up the water enough without adding a turtle. You could try musk or painted turtles.