Pregnancy help! Any advice welcome!?
My girlfriend and I were engaging in safe sex 4 days ago by only performing dry sex. I was wearing polyester running pants and she was wearing cloth like panties and meshy, thin leggings.We were both grinding around in the waist area, with my Penis occasionally touching her around her vaginal area. I eventually came a decent amount and it saturated my pants fairly well, dampening her leggings a bit and just a little on her panties, she said no bigger than a quarter of stain. The stain was on the pubic area of her panties. She said she felt nothing drip or leak into her, and that she felt when I came because it got a little bit warm around her pubic area. I don‘t remember ever specifically rubbing my Penis around her vaginal area at any point after I came. Is there much of a risk of her being impregnated due to this?Any help would be great!
Since you're clueless: You can not get pregnant from fondling, anything same sex related, dry humping, wearing underwear with semen inside it, staring at a penis, touching a penis with your hands or feet, being in the same room as a penis, getting semen on any part of your body other than inside your vagina, dreaming about a penis, hugging, showering or bathing with someone of the opposite gender, anal, masturbation, wiping yourself with toilet paper with semen on it, dirty talk, virtual sex over the computer, hand jobs, prayer, kissing, oral or fingering. Until you figure this out, stay away from genitalia of the opposite sex and for the love of God, take some sexual education classes. And do the world a favor: Don't have sex.
The possibility your girlfriend is pregnant is pretty remote, but there is the possibility because clothing is porous and you were in very close contact for a while. They don't call sperm 'little swimmers' for nothing!. I'm assuming you're young (teens?) so those puppies sure can swim further and live longer. Play it safe and learn how to use a condom correctly - even they can't swim through latex!
Since you're clueless: You can not get pregnant from fondling, anything same sex related, dry humping, wearing underwear with semen inside it, staring at a penis, touching a penis with your hands or feet, being in the same room as a penis, getting semen on any part of your body other than inside your vagina, dreaming about a penis, hugging, showering or bathing with someone of the opposite gender, anal, masturbation, wiping yourself with toilet paper with semen on it, dirty talk, virtual sex over the computer, hand jobs, prayer, kissing, oral or fingering. Until you figure this out, stay away from genitalia of the opposite sex and for the love of God, take some sexual education classes. And do the world a favor: Don't have sex.
The possibility your girlfriend is pregnant is pretty remote, but there is the possibility because clothing is porous and you were in very close contact for a while. They don't call sperm 'little swimmers' for nothing!. I'm assuming you're young (teens?) so those puppies sure can swim further and live longer. Play it safe and learn how to use a condom correctly - even they can't swim through latex!
Since you're clueless: You can not get pregnant from fondling, anything same sex related, dry humping, wearing underwear with semen inside it, staring at a penis, touching a penis with your hands or feet, being in the same room as a penis, getting semen on any part of your body other than inside your vagina, dreaming about a penis, hugging, showering or bathing with someone of the opposite gender, anal, masturbation, wiping yourself with toilet paper with semen on it, dirty talk, virtual sex over the computer, hand jobs, prayer, kissing, oral or fingering. Until you figure this out, stay away from genitalia of the opposite sex and for the love of God, take some sexual education classes. And do the world a favor: Don't have sex.
The possibility your girlfriend is pregnant is pretty remote, but there is the possibility because clothing is porous and you were in very close contact for a while. They don't call sperm 'little swimmers' for nothing!. I'm assuming you're young (teens?) so those puppies sure can swim further and live longer. Play it safe and learn how to use a condom correctly - even they can't swim through latex!