here's one mainly for laughs....... but 10 points for the best.a toilet with a mechanism for when you have morning sickness and have to pee at the same time
Something that can tell you the size and weight of your baby whenever you want to know.
a meal in a small, tasteless pill form, and it keeps you full for 3 hours. i'm so sick of eating all the time!
a mattress wiv bump and arm space so i can continue sleeping on my front in comfort, or even better a way to make the 'dad' carry the baby!!!
I love that idea!!! (this is for the end of pregnancy!)- A machine that stops all pain in labour and childbirth and gives you a massage at the same time! With extra drinks, ice cubes! You can also have a feature that prepares any food that your craving on the click so your partner doesnt have to go to the shop and buy anything!
Something to hoist me out of bed when I have to use the restroom 5 trillion times per night.