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Problems with 1998 Subaru Legacy Alarm System?

I have a 1998 Subaru Legacy, very stripped down model, with the factory issued alarm system. At the time I purchased the car (used) the alarm system was disabled. The small LED light did not blink, simply glowed all the time. A few days I replaced the battery in this car, which armed the alarm system automatically. Every time I open the doors now, whether they have been locked or left unlocked, the alarm goes off. In order to get it to stop, I put the car in on and hold in the small red button under the dash until it clicks and the alarm is quiet. This does not disarm the alarm - only stops it at that particular time. The next time I open the doors, it will go off again. This is very annoying and I would like to disarm this alarm system. If anyone knows of a way to do this without cutting any wires, I would appreciate it.


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