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Prove this chair is here...?

So I have this table, right. And on this table there is nothing. Just air moving above it. Nothing, no paper, nothing. You can see straight through to the backgrounds, you can move your hand there, and feel nothing.Prove there is a chair on that table.


You just said that there is nothing on the table. By the scenario you describe there is no chair. By the way, there is no such thing as proving anything if you can't find someone to agree with you. Saying something is something doesn't prove anything. Validation is in a consensus. If a thousand people say they saw something that you yourself didn't see, to you this would be a lie. Proof is subjective. Proof is what you yourself interpret and choose to believe, or what you convince others that it is.
Actually what we hear is between certain frequencies like 20-20,000 HZ, or the way we speak between certain frequencies. Same is the case with our eyesight. We can't see a lot of creation like angels, jinns, devil etc. because they are said to compose of transparent stuff like fire meaning heat, etc. So you can say that there is a chair on the table which is present there but we can't see it. Because it belongs to the species living outside our world of frequencies.
Pick up a chair and put it on the table, easiest way to prove that there is a chair on the table, if not you can still only fool those who don't know what a chair is. EDIT: Fine then, put a mime on the table and have him sit on this chair if he does a good enough job with it then it might fool some unsuspecting people.
The thing you must realize, Meister, is that you are mistaken. You do not have a table. This supposed table is actually the mysterious chair. The real table, you failed to notice, is beneath it. And now it's rather simple to prove that the chair is there, because you have already said you have it. (you mistakenly called it a table, yes, but you said you have it all the same.) And, you also say it's a wood chair. For you to have a chair made of wood, it must exist. Therefore, it is there.
Okay. So I'm going to close my eyes and IMAGINE a chair on that table. And not just any chair... I'm imagining the PERFECT chair. This is a chair that is superior to other chairs in every way. In fact, I will define this chair by saying that it is IMPOSSIBLE to imagine a chair which is more perfect. Now, I think we can all agree that a thought which is prompted by a real thing is superior to a thought which is entirely imaginary. If I go out in a freeway and imagine a car's not going to hit me, I'm going to be dead unless my imagination happens to also be true. This means the same thing must be so for the chair I'm imagining right now. Since I know this chair is superior to any other imaginary chair, that means it must be caused by a real chair. A chair that actually exists on top of your table there. It is, in fact, impossible for a chair NOT to be there, or the perfect chair in my mind would be a contradiction. PS: Yah. I know that, Panda. Still, I suppose ol' Bishop Berkeley might say that even perceiving a chair as being there is enough to make it there. I'm not quite so much of an idealist myself, but I figured someone out there might find it persuasive. You do what you can, neh?

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