
Question :Galvanised Iron?

What is glavanised iron made from? Please make a list of products which are usually galvanised. Where in Australia, and by which companies, is galvanised iron produced?tHANKS!


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Galvanized iron is wrought iron coated with zinc. Things I have seen available galvanized are corrugated metal sheets for roofing, nails for attaching those metal roof sheets, buckets and pails for mopping floors, etc., heavy wire for constructing clothes lines (for drying clothing outdoors the old fashioned way), flashing for roof construction (goes between asphalt roofing and wood around the edges of the roof and around chimneys and pipes that pierce the roof), and certain types of wire used for range fencing for cattle and other livestock. Try this website for one company in Australia that produces galvanized iron: OR try searching Google using this set of terms: galvanized iron australia

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