i just broke my warrior dolomite stick. i would like to get another warrior. i want to know what people think of the kronik and the dolomite spyne. which do you think is better?
I''m sorry but I wouldn't go for warriors, they break that easily. Try to get Nike Bauer,Easton s17 is really good. sorry, and if you don't want to follow my advise go with the dolomite spyne.
man u dont have to replace ur stick its so not worth it and it will cost alot if the breack was on the blade go to a store and they will pop a new one on for like 15.00 but if its really a dead stick i would go with the kronik their cooler
any motor cyclist will roar with laughter and the thought of being seen by any one will be the reason your silly idea won't work, sorry
Go with the Kronik. The nipple grip is very nice and its noticeably lighter. Unless you want endurance, the spyne has much more durability but loses other key aspects. I would go with the Kronik.