I am growing hybrid corn and i went to go pick it and it was FILLED with worms!!!I checked all the corn (which is like 20 plants) and every single piece has ATLEAST 6 worms!is there anything i can put on the corn or soil or something to keep worms away? i have planted much more like tomatoes, raddishs, watermelon, butternut and crookneck sqaush and everything else is 100% perfect. we have a bunch of crab grass could that do anything with it?i'd also like to eat the corn so it must be safe.about 1h. west from Selma, Alabama (crumptonia)
You've got corn ear worm.........ick!! Mineral oil on each ear, getting inside the husks may help. Now that they have found the corn, they probably aren't interested in the natural Bt....bacillus thuringensis. Hand picking and dusting with Sevin may be all you can do now. (see below) Home Garden In the home garden there are quite a few varieties that show resistance to corn earworm damage, i.e., Country Gentleman, Stay Gold, Victory Golden, Silver Cross Bantam, and Silvergent. Check label for varietal limitation and precautions. Carbaryl (Sevin) is recommended for use in the home garden. Apply carbaryl 50% wettable powder 4 tablespoonfuls or carbaryl 80% wettable powder 2 1/2 tablespoons per gallon of water. Thoroughly wet the silks of all ears until harvest is completed. Dusts containing Sevin may also be used. They can be applied to the silks of each ear with a paint brush or hand duster.(www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/ent/notes/... www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/r11330091...