Home > categories > Minerals & Metallurgy > Ceramic Fiber Blanket > Question re thermal pasteI just took my computer apart, cleaned and resocketed everything, applied new?

Question re thermal pasteI just took my computer apart, cleaned and resocketed everything, applied new?

thermal paste (Arctic Silver ceramic) After reassembly, I fired it upIt ran fine at stock ( 2.5ghz)After 3 days at stock speed to let the paste set, I started stepping it upEventually getting a stable run ( though pretty hot) at 3.7 I turned it down to 3.33, the speed I normally run it at in the summerNow the question Before this process at 3.33 I idled at around 29 C and under heavy load peaked at around 60 Since the rebuild, I am idling at around 40 but even under hours of heavy load I am peaking at 52Can anyone explain to me, why this paste seems to preform poorly (in comparison) under light load, but better under heavy load? Is this typical? Could it be related to the marriage of heat sink and chip rather than the paste ( personally I doubt that, as it should get worse under load.), etcAny thoughts( the one hard ware difference with the reassembly is a more efficientt corsair PSU, ( 80 plus) replacing a generic one.)


Try home depots website and type in insulation kitsThey show many productsI have actually installed insulation 12 years ago in walls and ceiling and they did not have a kit per se however it was really easy, just cut to size and nail upAt the time there were a few types to choose fromSingle foil backed (I used) and the more efficient 2 foil sided however this is more expensiveHope this helps
yes some compounds disperse heat more rapidly at higher temperatures.

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