About how many pounds of fiber does the average alpaca give each year? What's it's value (US dollars per pound)? Are colored fleeces more valuable than white? We have 2 off white, one reddish brown, and one black with a few brownish patches on his chestDoes the brown in with the black deter from the value, or does it just matter what part of the fleece is affected? Thanks!
jwilson e.uga.edu/EMT725/MinSur.
Average alpacas net about 4 lbs/yr but it can be as much as 10 lbs or more if they are very denseThe amount will drop off with ageLight colours are usually more fine than dark colours but fine dark colours would go for a premiumGreys are usually in demandAverage fibre diameter should be 23 microns or less to be considered fineThis is usually just measured for the blanket (main body except for belly armpits)Under 20 is exceptionalOver 27 cannot be worn next to the skinMost black animals are over 30I used to market fine blanket fibre for $40/lb Cdn (about the same as US now) less for lower gradesIf you are processing your own fibre, you could separate the brown out of the black or mix it, but black is better on its ownIf you are showing the animals, spots are considered lesser so they will place lower, unless it is on a grey animalI used to throw out leg belly fibre as it is quite coarse, although it can be used for stuffing or felt.