I need to get 18 month old out of crib, for new baby due in 4 months. Have been looking at choices - toddler bed vs twin bed vs twin bed with trundle. Long term, feel like twin with trundle is the best, but have questions about trundle bed. Can I buy any twin bed, and then a pop-up trundle frame + mattress to roll under it, or do i have to specifically buy the sets that come together? do you put a bedskirt on the trundle to make it look nicer? any other tips about trundle beds to keep in mind?
Trundle beds are more safe, in my point of view.
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I wouldn't do a trundle. Ive herd of kids getting there heads stuck in between the metal bars on the frame and getting hurt badly.
We looked into trundles for our toddler as well. we did not end up getting one, instead we chose a bed with storage drawers underneath (from Ikea) Many trundles are specific to a bed, but there are definitely some that will fit under many beds, but perhaps they do not look as nice or neat. if you buy a twin bed and want to get a trundle later, it is definitely possible, but may be a challenge. If you buy a set right away, it will be a nice look that does not need a bed skirt. I would not worry about thinking too long term. Kids can be tough on furniture and there are lots of cheaper but decent quality options. ikea is great, you can check places like target, sears, jcpenny, etc too. You can put a mattress on the floor for a few months until your toddler gets used to it.
for an 18 month old a toddler bed is best we just bought my daughter who is 3 a twin with trundle in anticipation of future sleepovers i would recommend buying the sets as they are probably safer than a do it yourself job we installed a safety latch like you use on cabinets or drawers th prevent her from opening it herself and possibly getting hurt it is very attractive without a bedskirt it looks like a big drawer under the bed like the beds with the built in drawers underneath and since it was a set it matches the wood of the bed perfectly but if i wanted i could still put a bed skirt if i chose to do so