Hey i was thinking about doing some work on my chevy blazer. Its a 2000 what would be easier to install? Whats cheaper? What is gonna give me more noticable improvments? Thanks
Ram air VS cold air intakes A cold air intake is the cheaper and easier to install option, but provides less horsepower and fuel milage increases. a cold air only seperates the air intake from the heat of the engine and provides cooler cleaner air, while a ram air uses the forward motion of the vehicle to force outside air into your engine. the choice is up to you but it really depends on what you want out of your chevy. a cold air is good for increasing gas mileage and a little horse power, but a ram air just provides a little more of both.
ram air IS a cold air intake that has air forced in via forward movement. example: your arm out the window at 5mph doesnt feel much wind. but at 50 mph you really feel a breeze. so ram air doesnt work till you get moving. these systems are usually a very open and free flowing, very unrestricted air flow into motor. cold air intakes are just a better design than the factories more restrictive piping and filter. but usually are still mounted under the hood in the same place as your original factory intake. SO, both are cold air intakes of better design, just the ram air uses forward movement to force the air in. ram air wins every time because it truely puts more air in. typically cold air intake systems are easy to install as they just replace your original system and thats it. ram air being harder to achieve because that usually involves cutting something away to make room for the air intake port which will be on the outside of your car. ie: a hood scoop. ram air will give you the more noticable power, but it works exponentially. faster you go, more air is rammed in. so at idle, a ram air system is in effect, just another cold air system. ram air tends to be just a bit more expensive and labor intensive. gotta admit though, a hood scoop on a blazer would turn some heads!
i would a cold air intake ram air too low could suck up water and hydro-lock your engine not syre about prices, but im pretty sure cold air is easier to install