Salam Alaykum everybody,Creativty4humans closest aunt needs our duaShe is in critical condition now.Because of that, he also wouldn't be able to join us in Ramadan section for some periodSo, if you see someone with the same username and avatar in this nearest future probably it is his troll.Please make dua for herAnd please do star this question so your contacts may see itThanks.Salam
I play guitarI have a Fender Telecaster and I love it!
wa alaikum salam Rziwan my brother and my best friend here i was checking the mails .JazakAllah for all JazakAllah for your prayers but the Neurosurgeons have disappointed us completely .She is on ventilator now and only Allah can cure her (as it is said by Doctors )How weak man is and all knowledge of medical science as well ! they can not give life to any one but they claim of being above the Godi would suggest you to take a little break in your busy lifeAnd visit hospital and really strengthens the Imaan And Thanks to Allah daily for the blessings ( Oxygen free of cost with out any machine, light with out any electricity bill, plants .) He has given us.
That sounds like a modded guitar, very few guitars on the main market have built in effectsYou best bet is to get something like a cry baby to accomplish thatThe horsey wah is cool, vox makes a classic wah that has a hendrix feel to itLots of options out there, if you like built in effects check out the line 6 variax.
I don't know who the guitarist is but he's playing along to a backing track or recordIt's that that has the wawa guitar on it (he's not playing it)The player alters his tone controls and turns up his volume before he plays and then just scratches the open strings whilst changing pick ups with his selector switchAll the player is doing is making the scratching sound.