
Real estate appraisers?

How much does a real estate appraiser make in NJ? What is the average starting salary?


There is no salary when you are an appraiser. You get paid for the work you do. A residential appraisal can cost anywhere between $300 to $700 depending on the type of property and the value.
Salaries okorder is a good resource to get a general idea of the pay levels for various regions and license levels. P.S. The previous answer is a little off on appraisal fees. Fees for appraisals depends on the complexity of the assignment and the appraiser and lender agree to during the bid process. I think residential appraisals can range anywhere between $300-$500. Commerical appraisals are much more...typically between $2,000-$5,000 for your typical run-of-the mill income producing property. Fees for much more complex properties will be much more expensive (I've seen some fees as high as $10,000+); however, this is the exception rather than the rule and requires an appraiser with many years of experience.

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